Wednesday, February 14, 2007

An upright father

THIS is a story I picked up at the Beatico coffeeshop in SM Clark and is purported to be the current buzz not only in other coffeeshops but in socio-civic, even in church, circles.
Suddenly bitten by the political bug, a son approached his father for help. No, he did not go the way of the biblical Prodigal Son to ask for his rightful inheritance to finance his candidacy. He just asked for help, a loan from the family coffers.
Here is – insofar as I can remember translated verbatim – what the father reportedly told his son.
“Son, ours is hard-earned, honest wealth. For what purpose are you going to use it? As dole out to buy your election?
“Granting that you win, how would you repay the loan you’re asking for? Your salary would not even be enough to meet your personal needs much less those of the poorest, and the most opportunistic and parasitic of your constituencies that throng into your office daily, asking you to pay for their basic necessities.
“Short on personal funds but wanting to satisfy them, so shall you fall into the pit of graft, into the eddy of corruption. Do not ever forget this: Money filched from public funds find no justification even for the noblest of deeds. And there is no way I can accept honest money repaid through dishonest means.
“I need not remind you that our name was founded on our honesty and integrity, our companies on corporate conscience and good citizenship. I intend to keep them at that.
“This is not being judgmental but the politicians you’ve cast your lot with don’t have an exactly immaculate image in governance. May our name be unblemished by your association with them.
“So you want to serve our people. Can’t you not find other outlets for that desire? I too serve, even as a corporate person. It is not only through politics that we can best serve the public.
“Still, you are my son. I will help you to the best I can. But not at the expense of the principles I stand for.”
What can I say?
There remains a glimmer of hope in this benighted land.
So did the son pursue his political plans? We shall know come March 29 when the filing of certificates of candidacy goes past the deadline.


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