WHAT MY walking buddy told me the other day of
Punto! having to do with the resignation of Levy Laus from the Clark Development Corp. really got me – as he himself suggested – rummaging through my files of the paper.
Perhaps, there is indeed some truth to what he accused
Punto! of, a sort of a timeline, nay, make that newsline to Levy’s resignation manifest in this paper’s headlines.
Jan. 28, 2008 – PGKM calls for Laus’ ouster as CDC prexy
That was the first time that a call for either resignation or, in this case, ouster was ever sounded. PGKM is of course the Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement chaired by industrialist and golfer Pert Cruz.
The issues against Levy ranged from alleged mispriorities in the development of Clark to his alleged insistence on the controversial central business district that GMA herself thumbed down. The call though was preceded by simmering events at the Mimosa golf course.
Nov. 23, 2007 – Golf war looms at MimosaSenior golfers led by Vic Roque complained of discrimination against them by the management of Mimosa with the cancellation of the internationally-observed 90-degree rule whereby old and infirm golfers can take their carts to the greens to do their drives.
A “stubborn” response from management led the seniors to the PGKM and the investigation of perceived anomalies at the golf course, among which was what one Mimosa council member said was “Levy’s concern for the course that moved him to extend P50 million for its development.”
Dec. 7, 2007 – Golfers seek probe of P50-M CDC fund
Where was that fund used? Asked the seniors.
Dec. 11, 2007 – Golf funds properly accounted
In a lot of improvements and upkeep, including new golf carts, said the Mimosa state manager but the amount was not P50 million.
Dec. 17, 2007 – Sen. Lapid joins Mimosa golf war
Bida took up the cudgel for the senior golfers and denounced the management of Mimosa. He too was subjected to some high-handedness, it was reported, when he was refused his request for management not to suspend his caddy whose infraction was that she was not able to prevent him from taking his cart to the greens.
Jan. 7, 2008 – Contractual Mimosa employee gets over P1-M perks
Sleuthing work from Mimosa sources revealed the highest paid contractual employee in the whole Philippine government was the putative Mimosa manager by the name of Duya whose salaries and perks, including free use of a villa, service vehicle, gas allowances and signing privileges amounted to some P1 million.
Jan. 14, 2008 – Mimosa employees cry foul on labor violationsThe privilege accorded the manager raised the tempers of the ordinary workers whose rights are allegedly arbitrarily disregarded if not openly violated – from low salaries to indiscriminate disciplinary actions including un-called for suspensions.
Then, came on
Jan. 28, 2008 – PGKM calls for Laus’ ouster as CDC prexy
This was followed up by the PGKM with a position on the issue of the proposed ingress-egress of the SCTEx right at the proposed – and discredited – CBD site in Clark.
Feb. 4, 2008 – All the President’s Men asked: Save the Queen
GMA “will face bold criticisms as soon as SCTEx opens… because Clark Freeport has no direct access to the expressway due to Laus’ alleged opposition to the Clark North Interchange in Dolores (Mabalacat),” the PGKM said.
Feb. 6, 2008 – GMA men slam Laus for ‘credit grabbing’“Say CDC president out of Palace graces” noted the sub-head, allegedly caused by Laus’ “belligerent attitude” and “penchant for claiming credits” for any positive developments within Clark, even those he allegedly had nothing to do about like the entry of Texas Instruments, attributed to Laus predecessor Tony Ng and a high-profile team composed of Trade Secretary Peter Favila, SCADC Secretary Ed Pamintuan, CIAC’s Chichos Luciano, CDC Chair Roy Navarro, PEZA’s Lilia de Lima and Energy Secretary Raphael Lottila.
Feb. 11, 2008 – Laus’ billboard draws flak
“Propaganda covering up for non-performance” said the sub-head over which was the giant picture of the enlarged face of Laus and the smaller faces of some other unknown personalities with an even smaller “Welcome to Clark.”
“An exercise in extreme ego massage paid for with the people’s money.” So it was said of Laus’ giant billboard.
Feb. 12, 2008 – GMA berates Laus for ignoring orders
“CDC does not think of my priority” so goes the kicker of GMA allegedly “exasperated with Laus’ apparent failure to support and push her oft-repeated development vision for Clark in tandem with Subic Freeport as the ‘best logistics and services center in the Asia Pacific region.’”
Feb. 27, 2008 – Lazatin lambastes LausCDC’s ‘reversed racism’ favors Koreans. So charged 1st District Cong. Tarzan Lazatin on the issue of the True North bidding that was reportedly handed to a Korean firm to the prejudice of some other Filipino bidders and one claimant.
Feb. 28, 2008 – CDC workers call for Laus ouster
A number of Clark workers called for the resignation or firing of Laus in the wake of the issue of salary increases as mandated in their CBA. The CDC information office was quick to deny that the workers’ union ACCES ever called for Laus’ ouster. A stupid denial considering it was clear in the
Punto! story that Clark workers – not the union – wanted Laus out.
In the same issue was House probes CDC on ‘dubious’ deals with Lazatin spearheading the committee hearings .
Mar. 3, 2008 – Clark locators want Laus out
Foreign and local locators joined the clamor for Laus’ ouster due to what they called “loss of confidence and lack of transparency.” Again, the CDC information office proffered a denial by the Clark Investors and Locators Association. Again a very stupid denial given the fact that
Punto! referred to three locators in the story and never even implied CILA as the source.
Then came the barrage from Congressman Lazatin
Mar. 5, 2008 – Tarzan calls Laus ‘credit grabber’
Mar. 13, 2008 – For neglecting Aetas: Tarzan assails Laus (Page 3)
Mar. 17, 2008 – Lazatin slams CDC: For making Aetas squatters in own land (Page 3)
Apr. 2, 2008 – Tarzan says: Laus good at selling cars
The congressman reacted to the CDC providing Aeta tribal leaders of Bamban with Mitsubishi L-300 FB vans. No, the vehicles did not come from Laus’ Car-World, a top Mitsubishi dealer.
May 16, 2008 – Firms file raps vs. Laus, Fontana and 3 others
A claimant lodged a complaint against CDC for allegedly awarding 330 hectares of Clark land for $0.014337 per square meter per month for 50 years
May 7, 2008 – CDC-Aeta pact: Tarzan seeks probe…Laus welcomes investigation
Side-by-side story on the joint memorandum of agreement between the CDC and the Aeta communities over the operations of some 10,000 hectares of ancestral lands on an 80-for-CDC-20-for-Aetas sharing scheme that Tarzan called “grossly disadvantageous to the Aetas.”
Jun. 4, 2008 – Farmers ask Tarzan’s help in CDC lands
Farmers reportedly driven out of their lands at Clark sought Tarzan’s help for compensation.
Jun. 16, 2008 – Tarzan: Laus has quit CDC
It was
Punto! that broke the news of Laus’ resignation from CDC having learned of it from reliable sources in Malacanang. It was however Cong. Lazatin that made the confirmation of the reports.
Jun. 17, 2008 – Laus confirms letter to GMA
Even as ex-PNP chief Oscar Calderon said he welcomed the CDC presidency, Laus confirmed that he did, in May yet, submit a letter to GMA “expressing my desire to hand over my CDC position effective July 31, 2008.”
Jun. 18, 2008 – GMA regrets Laus resignation from CDC
CDC press release said GMA “has expressed regrets over the resignation” of Laus, recognizing him as – per quote of PMS Chief Cerge Remonde – “not only as valuable and irreplaceable ally but a close personal friend.”
The End.
So have we in
Punto! been unfair to Sir Levy Laus?
Considering the volume of stories on the developments at Clark; on the twice no-holds-barred, unabridged Question-and-Answer interviews with Sir Levy for which we provided all the space to the point of sacrificing other stories; to the equal play-up of the CDC sides to and denials of controversial issues, I think we were fair and just. As any paper should be.
Here’s wishing Sir Levy godspeed.
Uncanny this feeling I am getting thinking of the resigned Sir Levy, and being reminded of Richard Nixon’s parting shot to the press after he lost the governorship of California in the 60s: “Think how much you’d be missing. You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore.”
Vanish the thought. Sir Levy is too esteemed to be kicked around.